Personal Information//*

Mi foto
My Name is Daniela I am 17 years old, my Zodiacal Sign is Cancer the day that born is the 16/07/1992 in Chile in the region of Santiago/ Puente Alto. My Hobbies are listen to music, sing, Draw, dance and write. I Study in the School Padre José Kentenich in Puente Alto. My Boyfriend is called Daniel and I Love him a lot. I live with my parents and I love them too much. I like to be accompanied for my friends, my boyfriend and my cousin.

septiembre 25, 2009


Simple Past: verb "to be"

The Simple Past Tense (with the verb to be)

Similar to the Present simple tense, The simple past is divided in two main parts. The form with the “to be” and with “other verbs”

It is quite simple. We DO NOT use auxiliaries (do, does, don’t and doesn’t) To form the negative we just add the “not” and for questions

we just switch the SUBJECT and the VERB TO BE.

In present tense we used: Am / Is / Are

He / she / it — was (Positive) Wasn’t (Negative)
I / we / you / They— were (Positive) Weren’t (Negative)

- I/HE/SHE/IT => was
-YOU/ WE/THEY =>were

- I/HE/SHE/IT => wasn't
-YOU/WE/THEY => weren't

Verb to be with question words:

In this class we will talk about question words and how we can use them with the verb to be in the present tense.

Question words are those words that may go in the beginning of a question. When we use question words we do not use a yes or no answer.

Ejemplo :

What’s your name?
I’m David Taylor. (The answer is a sentence)

With no question word:

Are you Maria?
No, I’m not (The answer is a yes/no because there isn’t a question word)

Question words are used to gather specific information. The following table shows the meaning of the question words in Spanish.



WhyPor que
What / (time)Que / Cual (a que hora)
WhichQue / Cual
How longPor cuanto tiempo / para medidas
How oftenCon que frecuencia
WhoseDe quien
How many/muchCuantos
How oldEdad
How + adjetivoDescripciones
How comeComo asi

Question WordVerb (to be)SubjectComplement
Whatis(your) name?[no complement]
How oldareyou?[no complement]
Whois(the) presentfor?

In questions with the verb to be, only the question words can go in the beginning. Nothing may go in front of the question words in full questions.

Where are you from? (QW goes first)

Typical questions with the above properties:

What is this for? (¿Para que es esto?)
Who are the books for ? (¿Para quien son los libros?)
What is the movie about? (¿De que se trata el libro?)

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